Odessa Catacombs -- Are They a Death Trap for Tourists?

 Odessa Catacombsodessa-catacomb-10

Beneath Odessa lie the secret catacombs of Odessa, sporting an unusual past going back to the 19th century. If you love history and mystery, you must visit these underground paths. Here are some little known but very interesting facts:

Each year, people vanish in the maze

Whenever planning any underground trip, it should be common sense to use an experienced tourist guide who knows the terrain and can provide adequate security, teach necessary skills for navigating the maze, and even share genuine stories and legends that have popularized this explorer’s destination. 

Also, you'll be equipped with helmets and lanterns, required to ensure your safety. Despite visitors always being warned that existing maps of the previous quarries are not complete, they still roam the catacombs without guidance. As a result, annually, a few unusually curious tourists can't help tempting fate and losing themselves in the underground passages.

Odessa catacombs belong to the museum

The initial utterance of the Odessa catacombs goes back to the start of the 19th century. From that time, the enormous system of tunnels has endured many changes and events and changes such as wars and smugglers. Thus, the displays that adventurers see today in the catacombs have been put in a safe site: the Memorial Museum of Partisans Glory in Nerubayske, Odessa region.

The undergrounds are lengthier than Roman & Parisian 

The catacombs of Odessa happen to be the world's longest underground passages boasting the calculated length of about 1,553 miles. In comparison, the Roman tunnels measure a mere 186 miles long and the Parisian tunnels 310 miles. In fact, the catacombs are more than only passageways and simple to walk through; they constitute a whole underground city. There are a superabundance of corridors, caves, and mazes that, to avoid the possibility of getting lost completely, it's mandatory to have qualified accompaniment.

A sizable portion of the catacombs remains unexplored

Although nearly a whole century of investigation has passed, a major part of underground Odessa remains unexplored today. Researchers now say that, because of the vast dimensions, these catacombs probably will never be thoroughly explored. Several areas are either blocked or very hard to gain access. In addition, the investigation needs specialized instruments and an expertly trained team. Thus, the usual path of guided tours is mapped only over the safest areas of the previous quarries.

Odessa is made from the catacomb's coquina 

The catacombs emerged in the nineteen-century during Odessa's construction. The coquina (yellow stone) was extracted from the caves below and utilized to erect the cityscape seen nowadays. The passages have grown larger and larger, therefore provoking the city's reduction and elimination of architectural complexes. Despite that in the 20th century, stone extraction was generally outlawed, Odessa yet is recognized as a yellow coquina city.

The tunnels provided shelter for partisans

Odessa catacombs are regularly linked with events such as the Great Patriotic War. The main reason, throughout this period, the underground passages gave shelter to Soviet soldiers, partisans, and civilians. Later, the catacombs served another important role as anti-nuclear bunkers to cope with the Cold War. That's why, on some tunnels' walls you may notice old signs, inscriptions, military paraphernalia, and additional post-war remnants.

Catacombs are also now used as practical cellars

Today, the city's citizens have found other ways to use Odessa catacombs at a more practical capacity. For example, these passages make an ideal site for an exceptional excursion as well as an excellent place for both communication points and emergency management. In addition, the undergrounds can be used as cellars to store cognac and aging wine. Plus, Odessa has a reputation for wine production. Therefore, Shustov Cognac Winery Museum currently utilizes the catacombs.

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